Team Rossco Pty Ltd
Team Rossco Pty Ltd is a not-for-profit company created in conjunction with NDIS accredited care provider and co-ordination organisation Good Directions with the sole intention of maintaining the physical and mental wellbeing of its director… Mr Neville “Ross” Hood
Ross Hood
Ross is (among other things) a songwriter, photographer, videographer and community radio broadcaster who has never allowed his disability plus his other physical and medical challenges to get in the way of him living his best life possible.
Through his songwriting he has done two full albums worth of music in collaboration with songwriter, musician and producer Corey Stewart, Childhood Memories and I Look Towards The Stars, both of which are available to purchase on BandCamp.
Along with photography and videography, Ross runs an online community radio station Care Radio and is passionate about local music and its musicians, amateur radio and generally making a difference in the lives of others by rolling up his sleeves and lending a hand.
Good Directions
Good Directions is a NDIS accredited organisation that supports its clients through its revolutionary “Client-Owned Service™” model ensuring more of a clients NDIS yearly budget goes into their bank account rather than the coffers of their support organisation.
According to its website, Good Directions “… is a client-owned service™ provider. We exist solely to assist people with disability packages to set up their own entity and to run it efficiently. In our experience you receive a service of your own choosing for a significantly less overhead cost.”
It is through this model that Team Rossco was created to completely revolutionise the way Ross manages his own affairs plus, have ultimate control over how his care is provided, managed and maintained.